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Pennsylvania Young Farmers is a group committed to education and promotion of environmentally appropriate production, marketing, and processing of food, feed and fiber. Our adult education in agriculture program provides individual and group organized instruction to agriculturists and consumer public in the local community. Specifically, the program is designed to assist those in production, agriculture, and agribusiness to become successfully established or to improve their current agricultural status. Also, an educational focus is to improve understanding and communication between the consumer public and the agricultural community regarding common concerns and issues.
"A Young Farmer is Any Farmer Willing to Learn"
Hard to believe that the Winter Conference is
just around the corner! This year, I have been busy
attending different Agricultural events to get the Young Farmer
organization’s name out there. I had the pleasure of meeting some
great people on my journey as President.
It seems that time keeps moving so fast and
before you know it, we have made the trip of 365 days around the sun!
Summer seemed to fly by so fast and fall has made her present known!
Winter, well it will roar it’s head here at some point, but not
too much all at once, wishful thinking I know!
In February, I will pass the Presidency on to my
husband D. Anthony Dietrich and we will continue our effort to get
more members to keep our organization and the history of agriculture
alive for many years to come.
Thank you to all of you for being a part of the
Young Farmers Organization here in Pennsylvania.
Our Commonwealth Leaders should be proud of all of you and everything
that you do to keep our farming community growing!
Michelle Dietrich